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Durham office stays active in skilled trades program

By November 22, 2019November 25th, 2019Community, Southeast – Durham, NC

LeChase was on hand in August when the Southern School of Energy and Sustainability in Durham welcomed the first students into its new Skilled Trades Pathway program. Durham office employees were back for two additional events at the high school this fall.

images of LeChase employees at career fair and construction session

Top photo: Denise and Brandt at the November career fair; other photos: LeChase employees interact with students while at the school for a session in October.

On October 22, Regional Diversity Manager Denise Barnes and Project Managers Kathryn Payne and  Brandt Smith gave students an overview on topics that included the types of construction, site safety, job descriptions, educational tracks and field operations.

At the session, the LeChase employees also conducted a hands-on activity using a Task Hazard Analysis, or THA, form. LeChase requires crews to use the forms to discuss their upcoming work activities each day, identify any possible risks and determine appropriate precautions.

Students were divided into four teams, each with a different scope of work for the day.  Team members had to come up with their company’s name, identify a foreman and complete and present their THA. The teams – Brushboys (painting), SJKF Carpentry, Amigo Electrical and T Plumbing –  were very engaged in completing the assignment. LeChase concluded the session with a live time-lapse video showing work on a recent project at The Cypress of Raleigh.

In November, Denise and Brandt returned to the high school to meet with students at a career fair.