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LeChase safety training reaches offices as well as jobsites

By October 9, 2019Industry, Rochester, NY

LeChase has consistently provided some level of safety training for its field and office staff in all regions. Now the company is enhancing its program to include additional training for office workers.

David Batrony, associate corporate director of Environmental, Health and Safety at LeChase, noted that some regions have already been holding annual training for non-field employees. This year, the group is making sure that practice is consistent for field and office employees across the company.

For those in LeChase offices, the training includes a more focused list of topics that covers fire extinguishers, information privacy, back health and proper handling and labeling of chemicals. All the training LeChase provides is consistent with OSHA requirements as well as the ISNetworld standards some customers require.

Shown below, Rochester office employees learn proper use of a fire extinguisher. 

Office employees practicing use of fire extinguisher outdoors.