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First class completes infection control training

By February 25, 2022February 28th, 2022NY Metro

LeChase recently completed the first infection control risk assessment (ICRA) training session at its new state-of-the-art training center. The facility, located at the company’s New York Metro office in Armonk, is believed to be among the first centers of its kind built by a private company in the U.S.

During the two-hour infection control session, ten LeChase employees learned best practices for containing noise, dust and contaminants during construction in hospitals, pharmaceutical research companies and other critical facilities. In addition to training employees, the company plans to use the center to train subcontractors and others involved in construction at these types of facilities.

The center can combine classroom instruction with hands-on experience. Workers learn to use temporary hard barriers to contain construction areas and reduce noise, and high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to remove dust and other contaminants. The HEPA filtration creates negative air pressure that draws air into the enclosed construction area, minimizing the risk of contaminating adjacent areas.

Trainees also learn to clean themselves of dust with HEPA-filtered vacuums, and to use sticky mats to remove and safely trap dust and particulate matter from boots, before leaving the enclosed area.

With the ICRA training center now operational, LeChase has taken another step toward better serving its clients, and growing as a construction leader in the health care and pharmaceutical industries.

For a video about the center and elements of the infection control processes, click here.