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LeChase kicks off fourth annual Building Leaders program

By April 23, 2024Companywide

LeChase has launched the fourth year of its Building Leaders program in partnership with Dale Carnegie. The program, customized for LeChase, consists of eight sessions held over three months. Topics focus on developing communication and speaking skills, strengthening interpersonal skills, building confidence, honing leadership abilities and learning methods to reduce stress and achieve a better work-life balance.

LeChase CEO and Managing Partner Bill Goodrich and President Will Mack kicked off the program and welcomed participants to the first session. During the second session, Heather Williams was recognized for “Breakthrough Performance,” and Blake VanAuken received an award for “Outstanding Performance.”

The current class includes 20 participants from 14 different regions and functional groups. Dale Carnegie Senior Trainer Kevin Lipomi and certified trainer Tyler Nash are leading the sessions. Learning is reinforced through hands-on exercises, use of real-world examples and encouragement from peers and leaders.