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Capital region team participates in Schenectady community day

The NY Capital region team recently gave back to the community by collecting and helping transport donation items for St. Luke’s annual community day.

The team set up a donation box in the office and collected various items including new and used clothing, household and kitchen items, books and toys. Many team members also volunteered their time to help with the event setup and cleanup, lifting and moving tables and other heavy or bulky items.

The event took place down the street from the Cara House, a project – expected to open later this fall – that LeChase is building for Bethesda House in Schenectady. With the support of LeChase, Bethesda House and many other organizations – as well as the local police and fire departments – St. Luke’s was able to provide donations for over 400 Schenectady community members.

Thank you to everyone who donated and helped give back!